Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 11, 2010

Single Crochet

Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 11, 2010

Please please please

Ideas needed!  STAT!

Dec. 6 marks 10 years that I have been with C and I want to do something special... just no idea what.  Keep in mind I have limited time (grad class kicking my butt), a 3 year old and would like to not spend a ton of $$ before Xmas.  You gals are all so creative-- I know you can come up with something grand ;)

Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 11, 2010

Count Your Blessings Tuesday: Wednesday Edition

Today I am grateful for:

  • holiday decor.  I absolutely love how my house looks around the holidays :)
  • Christmas shopping almost done!
  • rave reviews of my photography. 
  • time off from work to enjoy my time with family.
  • not having to cook a Thanksgiving feast.
  • being where I am in my life... just where I am meant to be.

Thứ Ba, 23 tháng 11, 2010

Finding a Multiple - Increasing a Crochet Round

This is going to explain how you come up with a multiple, your own combination of stitches, when you are making a round. In each round, there is a set number of stitches.  I am using 30 with this example. 

When you increase a round, you take the amount of stitches and divide the amount to find increase points.You will want to increase evenly around.  Since you have 30 stitches, you will take 30 divide it by 5, this give you 6. When you are finished, you will have completed 35 stitches, 5 times on that round.

If you find that you want more increases, you divide 30 by 6, this will give you 5.  What this means is the last number you get, you work the increase in that stitch.   You work 1 stitch in each of the next 4, work an increase in the 5th.  You will do that 6 times. On completion, the round will have 36 stitches.  

If you need more increase stitches than 5 or 6, you can take 30, divide it by 2, this will give you 15.  This means that you work one stitch, work an increase in the next stitch.  This is what I call increasing in every other stitch.  You will take 30+15, you get 45 stitches on this round.  You have increased 15 times.

If you need a different combination, you take 30 divide it by 3, this will give you 10.  You work 1 stitch in each of the next 2, increase in the next stitch. When you complete this round, you get 40 stitches, increasing 10 times. 

There are times that I have thrown in an additional increase at the end of the round, which is going to throw off the multiple. That's alright because the idea is to evenly increase and find the best size. 

Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 11, 2010

I'm a part of the problem...

I complained and scoffed at the malls having Christmas decor out and Christmas music a month in advance.  I laughed at people that had blowups on their lawn.  I am now the proud owner of a small santa blowup aaaaaaaaaaand my Christmas decor is up.  I haven't put the lights outside yet or the blowup but inside... it's all Christmas.  I may be hypocrite... I'll own it... but I'm a happy one... and I have a happy kid to go with it.

Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 11, 2010


This is the nicest rave I've received to date for my photography.  Had to share ;)

I must tell you, first of all, you are awesome! Freakin' awesome. You are just amazing and you have such a talent. I just looked at your website for the first time...and I just said to ___ how incredible you are.

The couple of pictures I saw are amazing. I can't wait to see the rest. You are so talented...what the heck are you doing teaching. Holy mother of heck! Just unbelievable.

Thanks again for coming by today and let me say this...worth every penny.


I've been meaning to buy myself boots for a long long time.  These called my name today.  I think we go well together ;)  

Now I need to go out and buy me a sweater dress to look all cute with these boots.  What do you think?

Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 11, 2010


Guess who's shooting TWO weddings in 2011!  Yup.  MOI!  Right... the person who said that she didn't want to shoot weddings.  This is where the money is at.  Once I got last summer's check, the apathy towards weddings slowly went away.  Oh and I DOUBLED my price from this summer.  Go me ;)

Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 11, 2010

Ah... I can breathe

Literally and figuratively!  I started taking antibiotics yesterday as well as Musinex D (which I had to pay almost $30 and sign my life away for) and took a nap before grad class.  After the nap, I felt much better.  I presented my project I've been working on for a while and it went very well!  I am relieved that have that done thus the figurative "breathing" ;)

Being sick for over a week was not cool... my house looks as bad as I felt.  Hopefully this weekend I can get things in order!  I also have to start on the second project for the class -- have a draft due Dec. 1st.  Busy busy!

Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 11, 2010

Appreciating Hand Made Crochet - Crochet Pricing Recommendations

How do you determine what you will charge for a crochet piece?

How much should we charge when selling crochet work? The formula I went by was double the cost of your materials plus half. I never the thought that was enough, so used the formula as a starting point only.

Crochet is under appreciated with the time that it takes to make larger projects. It can take several weeks or longer to make a large afghan. The same is true when making doily's. Intricate lace can take days and weeks to complete depending on the size.  

Crochet lace doily's have always been my favorite to crochet. When I would sell my work at craft events, people would tell me that it was so expensive. Many of the doily's may take two days or more to complete a doily! I wondered how many of them would go to work for $15 or $25 over two days. $15-$25 was an average price that I asked for each doily. To me the doily's were under-priced! There were always some that would pay the price I was asking. 

Realistically you will not be able to get all of your time, just don't forget to include some of your time in the price of your work.  People who sell their handmade crochet tend to under price their work. I challenge everyone selling crochet to ask just a little bit more. 

Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 11, 2010

Every Which Way Crochet Scarf - Afghan - Blanket

Every Which Way Crochet Scarf - Afghan - Blanket

Written by Teresa Richardson

Video Tutorial:  Every Which Way Crochet Scarf - Afghan - Blanket

Video Tutorial: Left Hand Every Which Way Crochet Scarf - Afghan - Blanket

Skill Level - Easy

DC - Double Crochet
HDC - Half Double Crochet
CH - Chain
SL ST - Slip Stitch

CHS - Chains
STS - Stitches
EA - Each

Multiple - 8

Size K/6.50 mm crochet hook
4 ply yarn
Tapestry Needle

Cluster Stitch
Wrap the yarn over your hook, put your hook through the stitch, wrap the yarn over your hook, pull the yarn through, wrap the yarn over your hook, pull through 2 loops.  Leave the 2 remaining loops on the hook.  Wrap the yarn over your hook, put the hook through the same stitch, wrap the yarn over pull it through, wrap the yarn over your hook, pull through all 3 loops to complete the cluster.

Attach a slip knot to the crochet hook.
Work a chain of 28 or work 27 of the Foundation Single Crochet

Row 1:  Work a chain 1, SC in the same stitch and each of the next 2, *CH 2, Skip 2 CHS/STS ,Work a Cluster in the next(see cluster stitch), chain 2, skip 2
CHS/STS , work 1 SC in EA of the next 3 stitches.  Continue across from * Chain 1 and turn.

Row 2:  Ch 1,SC in the same stitch and each of the next 2, *work 2 SC in the next CH 2 space. Work a SC in the cluster, work 2 SC in the next CH 2 SP. Work 1 SC in EA of the next 3 stitches. Repeat from * for the width. 

Row 3: Ch 1, this will be the step up. Work a DC in the same stitch.  Work a cluster in the next single crochet.  *Chain 2, skip 2 single crochet,  work 1 SC in each of the next 3 stitches, chain 2, skip 2 SC, work a cluster in the next stitch. Continue across from *.  When you get across, you will work a double crochet after the cluster.

Row 4:
Ch 1,SC in the same stitch, Work a SC in the cluster, work 2 SC in the next CH 2 SP. Work 1 SC in EA of the next 3 stitches.  Work 2 SC in the next CH 2 SP. Repeat from * for the width.

Repeat rows 1-4 for the length.

Random thoughts and Blessings

I'm going to ramble on since I can't get my brain in order.  Here's what's on my mind"
  • So blessed to have had time alone with my hubby thanks to the in-laws.  This was the second time I've ever been away from T for a number of days and I must say this time was MUCH nicer.  I gotta do this more often.
  • Happy to have finished editing last weekend's shoots.  One week turnaround time is not bad!
  • I'm totally weirded out... my ex boyfriend messaged me on AIM asking if I would be able to shoot his wedding.  I'm SO charging his a$$ more than anyone else.  I would NOT want an ex at my wedding-- but that's just me.  A job is a job I guess... should I shoot?  
  • My voice yesterday sounded like a 60 year old heavy smoker.  It was sexy.
  • My Christmas cactus thinks it's getting to be that time of the year... guess he has been checking out the malls.
  • I have 14 conferences already... and none of the conferences are from the parents of the two kids who failed for the quarter.  Guess it makes sense...
  • I just found the most magical blanket ever at Target... it's red plaid on one side and fleecy magical goodness on the other.  It's the softest blanket I've ever had.
  • Since I can't ever seem to have a break on a weekend to see my friend W and do our annual photo shoot :(  I had to come up with an idea of what we want to do for our x-mas pics.  I'm really excited about my idea and I hope it turns out.  It should be cute.  Stay tuned.
  • I gotta go write up a test... SO not getting into this week.  Is it nap time yet?

Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 11, 2010


This is what my to-do list looked like at the end of yesterday:

alone time with hubby
get hair done
finish grad paper 
finish grad powerpoint
finish editing photos from Saturday's shoot

So now all I have left to do is:

rake leaves
clean house
edit Sunday's photos
take photos on Saturday
oh and enjoy time with hubby :)

Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 11, 2010

@ home sick :(

I had to stay home today because I'm not feeling well but instead of laying around I'm working on my grad school project and registering for the Spring.

I'm pretty happy right now because in doing my registration I can see I am closer to graduation!  Summer/Fall 2012.  I know it's a bit away but I can see the faint light at the end of the tunnel.  I can't wait!

Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 11, 2010

What I want for Christmas

My far-fetched list:

1. Nikon 24-70mm lens.  Oh... one can dream.

2.  Coach Kristin Leather Checkbook Wallet
3.  Burberry Scarf

5.  Fendi sunglasses

Back to reality list :)  
What's funny is that I would be happier with this stuff than the above mentioned (aside from the lens.. I think I would die if I did get that lens!)

1.  Epson PictureMate Charm - I've been wanting one of these for a while...
2.  Vera Bradley Knit Hat

3.  Vera Bradley Large Hobo in Barcelona
4.  Cloudless Sulphur Butterfly
5.  Magpie Necklace 

Fall Back Time

This whole daylight savings time "fall back" thing is kicking my butt.  I HATE that it's dark at 5pm and it makes me depressed and tired.  I don't think I've ever been this "off" by the change.  I know it has only been a day but damn... I have a long way to go.

What do you do to kick the fall/winter blues?

Chủ Nhật, 7 tháng 11, 2010


¾ de xícara (chá) de leite
4 ovos
150g de manteiga
1 e ¼ xícara (chá) de açúcar
1 e ½ xícara (chá) de farinha de trigo
½ xícara (chá) de chocolate em pó
1 colher (sopa) de fermento em pó
Margarina e farinha de trigo para untar
250g de chocolate branco em raspas para decorar

8 gemas
1 lata de leite condensado
2 xícaras (chá) de leite

1 vidro de leite de coco (200ml)
1 lata de leite condensado
1 gema

Bata o leite e os ovos no liquidificador. Transfira para uma tigela, acrescente os ingredientes restantes da massa e misture. Despeje em uma forma retangular untada e enfarinhada e reserve.
Bata no liqúidificador os ingredientes do creme e jogue sobre a massa ainda crua.
Leve ao forno médio por 45 minutos. Deixe esfriar e desenforme.
Leve os ingredientes da cobertura ao fogo e cozinhe até engrossar.
Despeje sobre o bolo e decore com as raspas de chocolate. Leve para gelar por 1 hora antes de servir.

Pronto em: 1h30m
Rende 12 porções


2 vidros de leite de coco (400ml)
1 xícara (chá) de coco ralado
1 xícara (chá) de leite
1 lata de milho verde escorrido
4 ovos
1/2 xícara (chá) de margarina
1 xícara (chá) de flocos de milho pré-cozidos (tipo milharina)
1 pacote de pó para pudim de coco ou baunilha
1 colher (sopa) de fermento em pó
Margarina e farinha de trigo para untar
Bata no liquidificador metade do leite de coco, metade do coco ralado, o leite, o milho, os ovos, a margarina, os flocos de milho e o pó para pudim até ficar homogêneo.
Adicione o fermento e misture com uma colher. Despeje em uma forma untada e enfarinhada e leve ao forno médio pré-aquecido por 40 minutos ou até dourar.
Leve fogo médio, o leite de coco e o coco ralado restantes e deixe levantar fervura.
Desenforme o bolo ainda morno e cubra com a calda da panela. Sirva em temperatura ambiente

Pronto em: 1 hora
Rende: 20 porções

Thứ Bảy, 6 tháng 11, 2010

2 vidros de leite de coco (400ml)
1 xícara (chá) de coco ralado
1 xícara (chá) de leite
1 lata de milho verde escorrido
4 ovos
1/2 xícara (chá) de margarina
1 xícara (chá) de flocos de milho pré-cozidos (tipo milharina)
1 pacote de pó para pudim de coco ou baunilha
1 colher (sopa) de fermento em pó
Margarina e farinha de trigo para untar
Bata no liquidificador metade do leite de coco, metade do coco ralado, o leite, o milho, os ovos, a margarina, os flocos de milho e o pó para pudim até ficar homogêneo.
Adicione o fermento e misture com uma colher. Despeje em uma forma untada e enfarinhada e leve ao forno médio pré-aquecido por 40minutos ou até dourar.
Leve fogo médio, o leite de coco e o coco ralado restantes e deixe levantar fervura.
Desenforme o bolo ainda morno e cubra com a calda da panela. Sirva em temperatura ambiente

Pronto em: 1 hora
Rende: 20 porções


3 xícaras (chá) de farinha de trigo
1 colher (sopa) de fermento em pó
4 ovos
2 colheres (sopa) de margarina sem sal
3 xícaras (chá) de açúcar
1 xícara (chá) de requeijão
1 xícara (chá) de iogurte natural
2 colheres (sopa) de queijo parmesão ralado
1 colher (chá) de essência de baunilha
Margarina e farinha de trigo para untar

Misture a farinha e o fermento e reserve.
Bata os demais ingredientes no liquidificador
e junte à farinha e ao fermento reservados.
Coloque em uma forma de buraco no meio untada e enfarinhada.
Leve ao forno pré-aquecido, por 30 minutos.
Retire do forno e regue com o leite de coco e o leite condensado misturados.
Espere esfriar, leve à geladeira por 2 horas, desenforme e polvilhe com o coco ralado.


1 vidro de leite de coco (200ml)
1/2 lata de leite condensado
100g de coco ralado

Pronto em: 1 hora (+ 2 de geladeira)
Rende: 10 porções


1 xícara (chá) de óleo
4 ovos

1 xícara (chá) de açúcar
1 copo de iogurte natural (200g)
2 xícaras (chá) de farinha de trigo
1 colher (sopa) de fermento em pó

Margarina para untar
Açúcar e canela em pó para polvilhar
No liquidificador, bata o óleo, os ovos, o açúcar, o iogurte natural e a farinha até formar uma massa homogênea. Coloque em uma forma de buraco no meio untada e polvilhada com açúcar e canela. Leve ao forno médio, pré-aquecido, por 30 minutos ou até que ao enfiar um palito, ele saia limpo. Retire do forno, espere esfriar e desenforme. Polvilhe com açúcar, canela e sirva em seguida

Dica: Se desejar, sirva o bolo com geléia de sua preferência ou doce de leite em pasta.

Pronto em: 1 hora
Rende: 10 porções


2 ovos
1 xícara (chá) de óleo
2 colheres (sopa) de manteiga
1 xícara (chá) de açúcar
1 xícara (chá) de fubá
1 xícara (chá) de farinha de trigo
1 colher (sopa) de fermento em pó
Margarina e farinha de trigo para untar
Açúcar para polvilhar
No liquidificador, bata os ovos, o óleo, a manteiga, o açúcar, o fubá, a farinha e o fermento até formar uma massa homogênea. Coloque em uma forma de buraco no meio untada e enfarinhada. Leve ao forno médio, pré-aquecido, por 30 minutos ou até que ao enfiar um palito ele saia limpo. Retire do forno, deixe esfriar, desenforme polvilhe com açúcar...

Dica: Você pode acrescentar 1 colher (sopa) de semente de erva-doce à massa do bolo.

Se desejar, sirva com manteiga, doce de leite ou geléia do sabor de sua preferência.

Pronto em: 1h
Rende: 10 porções


3 cenouras médias picadas
3 ovos
1/2 xícara (chá) de óleo
2 xícaras (chá) de açúcar
1/2 xícara (chá) de leite de coco
2 xícaras (chá) de farinha de trigo peneirada
1 colher (sopa) de fermento em pó peneirado
50g de chocolate ao leite picado
Margarina e farinha de trigo para untar

Bata no liquidificador a cenoura, os ovos, o óleo, o açúcar e o leite de coco. Reserve. Acrescente a farinha, o fermento e bata até ficar homogêneo. Transfira para uma tigela, adicione o chocolate ao leite e misture bem. Despeje em uma forma retangular untada e enfarinhada. Leve ao forno médio, pré-aquecido, por 35 minutos, ou até que ao enfiar um palito, ele saia limpo. Deixe esfriar, corte em pedaços e sirva em seguida.

Pronto em: 1 hora
Rende: 10 porções


4 ovos
1 e 2/3 xícara (chá) de doce de leite em pasta (comprado pronto)
1 xícara (chá) de açúcar
1 xícara (chá) de manteiga
2 xícaras (chá) de farinha de trigo
1 colher (sopa) de fermento em pó
Margarina e farinha de trigo para untar
Doce de leite em pasta para decorar


Bata no liquidificador os ovos, o doce de leite, o açúcar e a manteiga até ficar homogêneo. Adicione a farinha peneirada e bata mais um pouco. Junte o fermento e misture com uma colher. Em uma forma redonda untada e enfarinhada, despeje a massa e leve ao forno médio, pré-aquecido, por 45 minutos. Desenforme ainda morno. Para a cobertura, bata no liquidificador, o chocolate com a água quente até amolecer, junte o doce de leite e bata. Despeje sobre o bolo ainda quente, decore com doce de leite, deixe esfriar e sirva.


150g de chocolate meio amargo picado
1/3 de xícara (chá) de água quente
1/2 xícara (chá) de doce de
leite em pasta (comprado pronto)

Pronto em: 1h10min
Rende: 14 porções


2 colheres (sopa) de fubá
2 colheres (sopa) de farinha de trigo
3 xícaras (chá) de açúcar
2 xícaras (chá) de leite
300g de coco fresco ralado
1 colher (sopa) de manteiga
1 colher (sopa) de fermento em pó
4 ovos
Margarina para untar


Bata no liquidificador o fubá, a farinha, o açúcar, o leite, o coco fresco ralado, a manteiga, o fermento e os ovos até formar uma massa homogênea. Despeje essa massa em uma forma retangular untada e leve ao forno médio, pré-aquecido, por 30 minutos ou até assar e dourar levemente (se você fizer o teste do palito para saber se o bolo está no ponto não irá adiantar, pois o bolo fica levemente úmido). Retire do forno, deixe esfriar e corte em quadrados. Sirva em seguida.

Dica: Se desejar você pode servir o bolo com doce de leite em pasta manteiga ou geléia do sabor de
         sua preferência

Pronto em: 2 horas
Rende: 30 unidades


1 e 1/2 xícara (chá) de farinha de trigo
1/2 xícara (chá) de leite
1 xícara (chá) de chocolate em pó
1 xícara (chá) de açúcar
3 ovos
1 colher (sopa) de suco de laranja
1 colher (sopa) de fermento em pó
Margarina e farinha de trigo para untar
Morangos para decorar

Bata os ingredientes do bolo no liquidificador. Em uma forma redonda untada e enfarinhada, despeje a massa e leve ao forno médio, pré-aquecido, por 30 minutos. Para o creme, leve os ingredientes ao fogo baixo e mexa até derreter o chocolate e começar a ficar em ponto de fio. Retire o bolo do forno, deixe esfriar, desenforme e cubra com o creme. Decore com morangos e leve à geladeira até a hora de servir.

4 gemas
200g de chocolate meio amargo picado
1/2 xícara de creme de leite fresco
1 xícara (chá) de açúcar
1 colher (sopa) de manteiga

Pronto em: 1h20min
Rende: 12 fatias

Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 11, 2010


Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 11, 2010

How to make the Afghan Tunisian Crochet Stitch - Entrelac

Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 11, 2010

Don't wake up mama bear

I was absent from work last Friday and left my students some fun work to do.  They had to read about Day of the Dead and then decorate their own skull in the style of the Mexican skulls and answer a couple of questions.  I came back to work today and was thumbing through their masks only to find one that was decorated in black and red with my son's name on it.  Seeing that shook me up.  Knowing the student he probably was trying to be funny but I failed to find the humor in a skull celebrating the DEAD with my son's name on it.  What could possibly compel anyone to do such a thing?  I called the office and had the student removed from my class.  I don't want him anywhere near me ever again.  You don't mess with my baby... ever.


abstract art Accessories Adult English afghan afghan stitch AGULHAS Amigurumi amirugumi applique Art Árvore de Natal em croche baby crochet Baby Dress baby knitting Baby learn bag Bags BAKTUS Ballet Bun Cover balloons BARRADOS basic shapes Bead Beads Bear Ear Hat BEBÊS beehive quilling belts Berry Birds blanket BLUSAS BOINA BOLEROS BOLSAS books BORBOLETAS bows boxes bracelet Butterfly CACHECOL CACHECOLAR cake candles candy Candy Cane card Cards cartoon carving carving fruit carving fruits CASACO INFANTI CASACOS CASAQUINHO EM CROCHE CASAQUINHO EM TRICO CASAQUINHO PARA BEBÊ CHAPEU Christmas quilling clay COLAR COLAR DE FLORES COLETE coloring CORDÃO CORUJUINHAS crafts CROCHE COM SAQUINHOS PLASTICOS CROCHE IRLANDES crochet Crochet Geek crochet pattern cross stitch Curtain cutting paper DECORAÇAO Dicionário de Trico - Inglês/Portugues Doily Doll Dolls - Búp bê drawing Drawing - Vẽ dress earring Easter ECHARPE edging Embroidery Embroidery - Thêu ENXOVAL PARA BEBÉ ESTOLAS fabric FAIXA PARA CABELOS fashion Felt Floral arrangements - Cắm và bó hoa FLORES Flower flower arrangement flower frame flowers crochet Flowers crochet - Móc hoa Folding boxes - Gấp hộp Folding paper FOLHAS food food decor FREE FORM frustration Funny Galaxy Stitch Gang tay - Tất garden gel grips Giầy - Dép gift Gifts glass Gói quà - gấp nơ GOLINHAS Google+ GORRO Gối cho bé GRÁFICOS Granny Square Graphic Quilling hair clip hats Hats - Mũ Heart Hexagon holiday craft holiday crafts home and garden Home decor - Trang trí nhà Hook Insect Itunes Jesus Jesus Christ jewelery jewelry kirigami Knit knitting knitting pattern knot Knot - Tết dây Làm đẹp làm đồ chơi từ gỗ landscape LEAVES Log Cabin Square LUMINÁRIAS LUVAS LUVINHAS PARA BEBÊ Magazine make up making flower making flowers Making toys Manta MANTA PARA BEBÊ MANTA PARA SOFÁ MEUS MOMENTOS MEUS TRABALHOS mittens Móc đường riềm Móc khăn trải bàn motif Multi-strip Multiples Nail art Nature Scenery necklace Nghệ thuật Nghệ thuật cắt giấy Nghệ thuật vẽ trên kính Nhà đẹp Origami Pachwork painting Painting - Sơn màu PANTUFAS PAP Paper paper cut Patchwork PELERINE pictures Pillows Pillows - Gối plastic Play and learn for baby POLAINA poncho Popcorn puff stitch pumpkin cap QUADRADO Quilled animals quilled art quilled berries Quilled design quilled flowers quilled hollow egg quilled leaves Quilled petal Quilled Picture quilled portrait Quilling paper Quilt RECEITA RECEITA CULINÁRIA RECEITA DE PONTOS recycle recycling RENDA DE PELO DE CABRA repair work ribbon rings rugs SACOLAS SAIAS DE CROCHE SANDÁLIAS EM CROCHÊ SAPATINHOS SAPATINHOS PARA BEBÊ Scarf scarves Scarves - Khăn sewing sewing detail shawls shoes and sandals silhouette Singing skirt snood Snowflake soap socks SQUARE Strawberry SUÉTER sweater Swiffer Sweeper Cover TABELAS DE MEDIDAS DE TRICO E CROCHE tablecloths TAPETES. RECEITA TENIS PARA BEBÊ Thank you tip tips TOALHAS TOUCAS TOUCAS PARA BEBÊ TRICO TÚNICA tunisian Tutorial Tutorial video typography underwear Valentine's day Valentines Day vector art Video VÍDEO video tutorial weaving wedding wood XALE YouTube