Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 12, 2009

Happy New Year : )

To all my blogging gals... wishing you the best in 2010!

(My awesome photoshop skills!)

Happy New Year 2010

I hope everyone enjoys the new year. I have many, many more crochet ideas for 2010.

Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 12, 2009

What are Your Crochet Accomplishments for 2009

What new projects did you make this year that you had never done before? Did you learn any new stitches or techniques? What is something you want to make that you have never done before?

Feeling crafty...

I'm tapping into my inner Korean girl and making origami stars like nobody's business.  Why?  Because I just learned to make them and I'm addicted.... I plan to make enough to fill a jar and call it the wishing jar 'cause you know when you wish upon a star....

Count your Blessings Tuesday #16

Today I am grateful for:

  • a fantastic Christmas
  • meeting up with friends you haven't seen in a while
  • time to appreciate my smart little boy
  • our membership to the aquarium :)
  • my time off work even if it's not with C
  • our new dryer coming today so we don't have to run our clothes TWICE before they're dry!

Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 12, 2009


Ficarei feliz se vc deixar um comentário:0)


Ficarei feliz se vc deixar um comentário:0)


Ficarei feliz se vc deixar um comentário:0)

Thứ Bảy, 26 tháng 12, 2009


Ficarei feliz se vc deixar um comentário:0)


Ficarei feliz se vc deixar um comentário: 0)


Ficarei feliz se vc deixar um comentário: 0)


Ficarei feliz se vc deixar um comentário: 0)


Ficarei feliz se vc deixar um comentário: 0)


Ficarei feliz se vc deixar um comentário: 0)

Bolsa Rosa em Croche

Usei varios fios juntos, 5 novelos de linhas

Essas linhas que usei ,normalmente usamos para croche file , agulha 1,75

Por isso usei 5 fios, com rosa, vermelho, branco e dois tipo de cereja

Comecei pelo fundo, fazendo ua corrente de 28 pontos, com agulha 4,5, eu fiz com a4,5 pq queria que ficasse bem apertado e durinha.

Mas voce pode usar a 5, depende da espessura que sao as suas linhas ou sua linha.

28 pontos baixos e no ultimo faca assim, 1 pontobaixo- 1 correntinha- e 1 ponto baixo e depois do outro lado mais ponto baixo ate o final e fazer o mesmo e ponto baixo, 1 correntinha e 1 ponto baixo, voce vai fazer contornando - formando o fundo

Faca 6 carreiras em ponto baixo , se voce ver q 6 nao sao sufientes para seu fundo faca mais

E nao esqueca q cada volta voce fara aumentos onde voce fez no final 1 ponto, 1 correntinha e 1 ponto- e bem ai que vc continuara os aumentos ate alcancar o tamanho desejado.

No meu caso 6 carreiras estavam bem pq a linha tava bem grossa.

Depois continuei fazendo em ponto rosa sem aumentar mais, assim durante 9 carreiras

Depois passei para as las, usando dupla ua la rosa e ua la preta e fiz 8 carreiras assim em ponto baixo.

Depois mais 9 carreiras em ponto rosa.

E depois voce finaliza como quer- eu fiz no meio um franzidinho e nas laterais arrematei com ponto baixo.

Na parte que eu dei o franzido, eu fiz ua carreira de ponto alto tipo rede, para passar a fita e finalizei com 2 pontos altos de um ponto baixo e assim ate o fim.

Na tira da alca fiz 6 pontos e 2 para virar -trabalhei em ponto rosa - fiz comprida pq a parte extra que esta na parte de dentro e para a pessoa usar caso deseje usar a bolsa tranversal no corpo.

Depois e so colocar fitinha e pronto, forrar e por botao e sai por ai.

Escrito e descrito pela Frida

Thứ Sáu, 25 tháng 12, 2009


I know I take every Tuesday to count my blessings but I don't think there are enough Tuesdays out there for me to count them all ;)  My biggest and best blessings are C and T and every single moment I spend with them.  It was great to be home and sit back and just take in how awesome a family I have and how lucky we are to be together, healthy, in a warm house with gifts under our tree.

My favorite gift this Christmas, however, was not what was under my tree.  It was to watch the wonder and excitement in T's eyes as he saw his gifts.  It was also sharing that moment with my parents over Skype... it was how T thanked Santa for his gifts without us telling him to say thank you.  It was watching C play with T and how he too was enjoying the moment.

Thank you God for all the blessings in my life... for blessing me with these moments.

1 Chronicles 16:34
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.

Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 12, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!

Thứ Tư, 23 tháng 12, 2009

Etsy Find Wednesdays #15

I was going to find something Christmassy for today's Etsy post but I happened upon this awesomely awful find and couldn't pass it up....

Awesomely Awful:  Brief Jerky from mixedspecies... only $139
For just $139, you too can be dazzling in these undies made out of real untreated jerky... sexy AND a snack... awesome!  The bedazzling is excellent... think I'll get a pair for C!

Awesomely Awesome:  "ditto"
I have no idea what I could pair this up with that would even compare...

Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 12, 2009

Have I told you how much...

I LOVE that I'm staying home for the holidays??? I'm finally enjoying the tree and the decor and coming up with our OWN traditions... :)  Here are a few of the things I'm enjoying this year:

Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 12, 2009

Count your Blessings Tuesday #15

With only an hour left before midnight, I can say it's almost Tuesday ;)  Today I am grateful for:

1.  Unexpected quality time with T :)  We had an awesome day today just the two of us.
2.  Clean house courtesy of Tia, our cleaning lady.
3.  Christmas shopping DONE!  Presents wrapped!
4.  A snowy day that forces you to forget about what you need to do or where you have to be... and lets you just enjoy the time :)
5.  Snowflakes (yes, I hate snow but snowflakes ARE pretty)... paper snowflakes colored by T and painted snowflakes on my toes
6.  Dancing with my two men.
7.  C's warmth... God knows I need it on these cold days!
8.  Pretty Christmas sugar sprinkles on yummy sugar cookies made from scratch.
9.  Eggs and bacon with hash browns on a snowy Saturday morning :)
10.  Three days 'till Christmas!!!!!!

Holiday Crochet Giveaway 2009 - Closed

Congratulations to: slimjleo1955, Notthecoolmom, jeliwii

Thứ Bảy, 19 tháng 12, 2009

First Memory of Snow...

My first time ever seeing snow was in 1996-- if you recall, that was the year of a huge snow storm.  I loved looking at the pretty snowflakes and everything blanketed in white.  I went outside and was excited for about 10 minutes... built a mini snowman... and that was the end of the love.  I've never sledded, never built a snowman taller than a foot and I'm ok with that.

Snow, you can suck it!

Vintage Crochet Patterns

Do any of you use Ebay to find crochet patterns? I know I have fun bidding on the old Vintage Crochet Patterns. They are the ones that cost .10 cents back when they were new. Now they are falling apart with a price of $2.00 or more. I do have a few that my Grandma gave me and several more that I have purchased. I have noticed that the price and demand for the Magic Crochet, Crochet Fantasy and Decorative Crochet have gone up in the Ebay auctions. I really miss new issues of Magic Crochet. It had all of the thread and lace that I love to make.

Thứ Sáu, 18 tháng 12, 2009




abstract art Accessories Adult English afghan afghan stitch AGULHAS Amigurumi amirugumi applique Art Árvore de Natal em croche baby crochet Baby Dress baby knitting Baby learn bag Bags BAKTUS Ballet Bun Cover balloons BARRADOS basic shapes Bead Beads Bear Ear Hat BEBÊS beehive quilling belts Berry Birds blanket BLUSAS BOINA BOLEROS BOLSAS books BORBOLETAS bows boxes bracelet Butterfly CACHECOL CACHECOLAR cake candles candy Candy Cane card Cards cartoon carving carving fruit carving fruits CASACO INFANTI CASACOS CASAQUINHO EM CROCHE CASAQUINHO EM TRICO CASAQUINHO PARA BEBÊ CHAPEU Christmas quilling clay COLAR COLAR DE FLORES COLETE coloring CORDÃO CORUJUINHAS crafts CROCHE COM SAQUINHOS PLASTICOS CROCHE IRLANDES crochet Crochet Geek crochet pattern cross stitch Curtain cutting paper DECORAÇAO Dicionário de Trico - Inglês/Portugues Doily Doll Dolls - Búp bê drawing Drawing - Vẽ dress earring Easter ECHARPE edging Embroidery Embroidery - Thêu ENXOVAL PARA BEBÉ ESTOLAS fabric FAIXA PARA CABELOS fashion Felt Floral arrangements - Cắm và bó hoa FLORES Flower flower arrangement flower frame flowers crochet Flowers crochet - Móc hoa Folding boxes - Gấp hộp Folding paper FOLHAS food food decor FREE FORM frustration Funny Galaxy Stitch Gang tay - Tất garden gel grips Giầy - Dép gift Gifts glass Gói quà - gấp nơ GOLINHAS Google+ GORRO Gối cho bé GRÁFICOS Granny Square Graphic Quilling hair clip hats Hats - Mũ Heart Hexagon holiday craft holiday crafts home and garden Home decor - Trang trí nhà Hook Insect Itunes Jesus Jesus Christ jewelery jewelry kirigami Knit knitting knitting pattern knot Knot - Tết dây Làm đẹp làm đồ chơi từ gỗ landscape LEAVES Log Cabin Square LUMINÁRIAS LUVAS LUVINHAS PARA BEBÊ Magazine make up making flower making flowers Making toys Manta MANTA PARA BEBÊ MANTA PARA SOFÁ MEUS MOMENTOS MEUS TRABALHOS mittens Móc đường riềm Móc khăn trải bàn motif Multi-strip Multiples Nail art Nature Scenery necklace Nghệ thuật Nghệ thuật cắt giấy Nghệ thuật vẽ trên kính Nhà đẹp Origami Pachwork painting Painting - Sơn màu PANTUFAS PAP Paper paper cut Patchwork PELERINE pictures Pillows Pillows - Gối plastic Play and learn for baby POLAINA poncho Popcorn puff stitch pumpkin cap QUADRADO Quilled animals quilled art quilled berries Quilled design quilled flowers quilled hollow egg quilled leaves Quilled petal Quilled Picture quilled portrait Quilling paper Quilt RECEITA RECEITA CULINÁRIA RECEITA DE PONTOS recycle recycling RENDA DE PELO DE CABRA repair work ribbon rings rugs SACOLAS SAIAS DE CROCHE SANDÁLIAS EM CROCHÊ SAPATINHOS SAPATINHOS PARA BEBÊ Scarf scarves Scarves - Khăn sewing sewing detail shawls shoes and sandals silhouette Singing skirt snood Snowflake soap socks SQUARE Strawberry SUÉTER sweater Swiffer Sweeper Cover TABELAS DE MEDIDAS DE TRICO E CROCHE tablecloths TAPETES. RECEITA TENIS PARA BEBÊ Thank you tip tips TOALHAS TOUCAS TOUCAS PARA BEBÊ TRICO TÚNICA tunisian Tutorial Tutorial video typography underwear Valentine's day Valentines Day vector art Video VÍDEO video tutorial weaving wedding wood XALE YouTube