Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 6, 2010

This... just made my day.

This is a comment left on one of the sneak peek photos I posted from a shoot.  I love Facebook because I can stalk and see what others think about my photos... people I don't know so they don't feel the need to be nice ;)
The comment was left by the "daddy's" sister:

I LOVE THIS PICTURE MORE THAN ANY OTHER PICTURE IN THE HISTORY OF PICTURES EVER IN THE WORLD, times a million! No, really - this is the shit. I want a copy.

I am so glad that I could capture them so well that it merited that response.  Yay!

CACHECOLAR usado por Fatima Bernardes

Gola usada por Fatima Bernardes durante a transmissão da Copa.

1 novelo de lã Cisne Elegance;
Agulha para tricô nº 5 ½;
Agulha para coche nº 3.

Colocar 30 pontos com 1 fio de Cisne Elegance na agulha para tricô nº5 ½ e fazer 40cm do ponto abaixo:
- *1tr, 1laç, 2jtr*
Avesso e direito iguais. Arrematar.

Dobrar o trabalho ao meio no sentido do comprimento, unir as pontas dando só alguns pontos para fechar o trabalho.
A seguir com a agulha de crochê fazer 1 flor em cada lado do trabalho.

Fazer 6 correntinhas, prender com 1 ponto baixo, repetir num total de 8 vezes, ficando em toda volta do trabalho com 8 argolas.
Na volta fazer dentro de cada argola 1 ponto baixo, 1 correntinha, 8 pontos alto, 1 correntinha, 1 ponto baixo, formando assim as pétalas.

A seguir, fazer pela parte de trás novamente 6 correntinhas, prendendo com 1 ponto baixo, repetindo 8 vezes e fazer novamente as pétalas. A flor ficará com 2 camadas de pétalas.
Em um lado costurar a flor, juntando as partes bem no meio para ficar uma flor aberta.
Do outro lado, passar um alinhavo só para fechar um pouco a flor.
Depois colocar em volta do pescoço e encaixar a flor fechada dentro da flor aberta.

E esse foi executado pela Roseli Moraes
Aqui o vídeo da Fatima mostrando os cachecóis

Este branco foi executado pela Katia da Magia do Croche





I always wonder... what did I do!?

So most of you know the departmental "smack down" we had before the end of the school year and you know how we found out that someone was being ignored and mistreated for no reason at all.  I consider this person my friend and mentor-- I've shared many things with her.  So, after that meeting I knew she was upset and I told her to meet with me the following week for lunch so we could talk away from school.  I got an e-mail a couple of days after school ended canceling our lunch date with no details-- just can't make it, sorry and no plans to reschedule.  I e-mailed back saying we can meet at a later time and asked to re-schedule... no reply.

I am really hoping that the lack of reply is because her daughter had her baby and she's busy being a grandma.  I'm hoping that I have not lost a friend because I tried to make peace in the department.  I hope that the pain goes away for her.

Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 6, 2010


Este fiz pra minha outra sobrinha, a bela Andreza.


Este tb dei de presente à Vera no aniversário dela do ano passado.


Esse lenço Baktus fiz em trico com pingente em rabo de gato. Foi um presente pra minha cunhada Vera.


Fiz pra minha linda sobrinha Leticia, que hoje está dando um grande passo em sua carreira profissional.
Parabéns amada, vc merece o melhor!
Boa Viagem! Sucesso!


Mais um modelo da folha de outono que achei na Net

Count Your Blessings Tuesdays

Today I am grateful for:

  • being a teacher... I can only appreciate it in the summer ;)
  • T.... a million times over.  He makes me a better person and helps me enjoy the little things in life.
  • time spent with friends... pool dates, mall walks, pedicures... nice
  • s'mores, sparklers, fireflies.... everything SUMMER
  • photo shoots!  One today... one Sunday... LOTS to edit!
  • a whole lot more... so in summary, life!

Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 6, 2010

Crabby bibs

Made these today for the neighbor's twins.  Every Maryland baby needs a crabby bib ;)

Thứ Sáu, 25 tháng 6, 2010

Estou voltando

Estive ausente e agradeço as mensagens carinhosas que recebi neste tempo, e peço paciência mas irei responder a todas (os) vocês.

Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 6, 2010

Sewing Project from Pattern #1!

Got the pattern for this here.  I learned a few things while making this... canvas is no fun to sew with... sewing with a two year old around makes for some not so straight lines.... patience is not my forté (but I kinda already knew that!).

How cute is my crabby fabric!?!?  I'll be making some bibs with that fabric soon!

Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 6, 2010

Count Your Blessings Tuesdays

Today I am grateful for:
  • one more day.  'Nuff said.

Thứ Bảy, 19 tháng 6, 2010

It can't be contained...

the creativity is just wanting out in all sorts of mediums!  I made C's father's day card today and it turned out pretty darn cool.  I also hemmed T's blanket and made my own little sewing project to try out the new machine.  Check it out!

C wants an iPad eventually but I couldn't afford one so I got him the next best thing... an iDad ;)

My first real sewing project... the most useless thing ever but turned out cute!  Next time I'll do the top stitching somewhere you can't see it... I had to do it there because I forgot to add the elastic when sewing it through the machine.  Oops!

Thứ Sáu, 18 tháng 6, 2010

Hermanito is here!!!

Hermanito came in a box today and the only thing keeping me from spending quality time with him is that I didn't get a chance to buy thread and fabric just yet.   It's good I didn't have all that on hand so I could do my niece's photo edits... but, there's always tomorrow!

Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 6, 2010

I don't claim to be strong willed...

I'm very very weak.  So weak, I will soon be the proud owner of this:

Magic Crochet Potholder with the Single Crochet

Magic Crochet Potholder with the Single Crochet

Written by Teresa Richardson

Video Tutorial:  Magic Crochet Potholder with the Single Crochet

Video Tutorial: Left Hand Magic Crochet Potholder with the Single Crochet

Skill Level - Easy

CH - Chain
SL ST - Slip Stitch

FSC - Foundation Single Crochet
SC - Single Crochet

Size H/5 mm crochet hook
4 ply cotton yarn
Tapestry Needle

Chain 31 or work 30 FSC- Foundation Single Crochet

Round 1 -Side 1: Work 1 SC in each chain across.  (30 Single Crochet Total on the first side)
Round 1 - Side 2: Working down the opposite side of the chain, Single Crochet in each chain. Slip stitch to join with the beginning stitch. (30 Single Crochet Total on side 2)  (There will be a total of 60 single crochet, both sides)

Note:  You can work this project with joined rounds or with the continual round.  To work the continual round, you will not join.  Work the first single crochet in the top of the first single crochet, continue around.  You may want to mark the first stitch with a yarn marker so you know where the first stitch is at.

Round 2-20: Work 1 SC in each stitch around.  Join with the first stitch if you are working joined rounds.  

If you have worked the continual round, skip one stitch, slip stitch in the next to even off the round.

Cut a long tail and secure.  Fold the potholder in to a square.  Click here to See Video Segment.  Sew the two edges together. Sew in the tail.

Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 6, 2010

Count Your Blessings Tuesdays

Today I am grateful for:

  • dinners out with C :)
  • cute dresses
  • 6 more days...
  • having my final exams ready to go and putting a dent in my grading hell
  • having a son who can't give a kiss without giving a hug too :)
  • the fact that T loves art as much as I do and he is good at it too!
  • starting a new skein of yarn
In other news, I may be featured on the Dating Diva's website sometime in late summer!  They're going to share my Appreciation Journal idea with their readers.  How cool!? They asked for photos to share with their readers... here are the photos I sent them:

Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 6, 2010

Summer To Do List

I'm already getting psyched about summer so I thought I'd make a little check list of things I WANT to do and things I HAVE to do... lets see how much gets done!


  • organize closets
  • work on my laundry situation and come up with a system
  • paint bathroom cabinet and bathroom walls
  • replace long blinds
  • visit my Aunt in DC
  • purge crap we don't use
  • go on a road trip to an area in MD we have not been to before
  • meet up with JP, B, AB, WX, JC, SB, CN and SW over the summer
  • put my feet in the sand three days in a row and a sandbox doesn't count!
  • go shopping with my Mom
  • find cool playgrounds to take T to
  • go to the pool!
  • check out a few museums
  • finish a crochet project
  • SHOOT a wedding!!  ;)  

Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 6, 2010


I just received a lovely journal from a student as a gift and since I don't keep a written journal, I was trying to find a way to use it.  I came up with the Appreciation Journal  I wrote "M's Page" on one page and "C's Page" on the opposite page.  On my page I wrote the date and something my husband did either that day or the previous day that I really appreciated or loved.  The journal started simply with "I am so thankful that you put gas in my car last night so I wouldn't have to do it this morning."  I gave the journal to C and explained what it was all about-- he was sold!  He grabbed the journal later and wrote his first entry which was "Thank you so much for sweeping the front and weed whacking the backyard!"  Since I'm artistic I drew little cartoons with mine but I'm not expecting C to do the same ;) 

Want to try the Appreciation Journal with me?  So easy to do and so nice to open up the book and see something written there! 

Thứ Ba, 8 tháng 6, 2010

Count Your Blessings Tuesdays

Today I am grateful for:

  •  "ME" days
  • having a CLEAN house and knowing I did my best to clean it
  • freshly mowed grass (Thanks to C for his mowing skills and my weed whacking skills-- team work!)
  • stupid movies (Blades of Glory anyone?? and Lifetime Movies... yes!)
  • having finished a crochet project (even if it is too short to be a scarf... and turned curvy... I *did* finish!)
  • 12 more days-- only 9 of which are "instructional"  

Chủ Nhật, 6 tháng 6, 2010

Happy Birthday to C... (warning: mushy stuff ahead)

Gosh... I'm one lucky girl.  28 years ago today, the one person in this world who was meant for me was born.  I'm lucky that almost 10 of those 28 years were spent with me.  C has brought so much to my life and I am grateful for him.  He really does complete me and we make up for each other's weaknesses.  Not only is he a great husband but he's an awesome father and my best friend.

Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 6, 2010

Drop everything and cook this NOW

For this meal you have to marinate the chicken for a while so it's best if you prepare it the night before you plan to make it.  I also felt that it would be great cut up in fajitas!  I didn't slave over the stove making spanish rice... I cut corners and used Uncle Bens minute Spanish Rice and it was delicious!   Try this, you won't be disappointed!

Tequila Lime Chicken (Pioneer Woman)
  • 3 whole Limes, Juiced
  • 5 cloves Garlic, Peeled
  • 1 whole Jalapeno, Sliced
  • 1 teaspoon Kosher Salt
  • ½ cups Cilantro
  • ½ cups Tequila
  • 5 Tablespoons Olive Oil
  • 4 whole Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts
  • 1 cup Monterey Jack Cheese, Grated (although I used cheddar and it was AWESOME!)

  • Preparation Instructions
Combine lime juice, garlic cloves, sliced jalapeno, salt,
cilantro,and tequila in a food processor or blender.
Pulse until combined. Turn on the blender/food processor
and drizzle in the olive oil until it’s all combined.
Slightly flatten chicken breasts with a mallet or the bottom
of a heavy skillet. Place in a plastic bag and pour in marinade.
Seal bag and marinate for several hours or (preferably) overnight.
When ready to cook, remove chicken from bag and place
on the grill.  Cook until completely done. Toward the end of
cooking, top chicken breasts with grated Monterey Jack
(I used cheddar and I feel it was a better pairing) and allow
to melt. (You can also top chicken
with cheese and melt under the broiler.)
Serve with pico de gallo or salsa, Mexican rice, sour cream,
avocado slices, fresh flour tortillas…and whatever other
garnishes make you smile!
I also made this pico de gallo although I felt the jalapeños
were a bit much.  Next time I make it, I will only use one...
and also use gloves when I cut them.  Gah, still trying to get the oil
off my hands!

Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 6, 2010

Count Your Blessings Tuesdays

Today I am grateful for:

  • time with friends I don't get to see often
  • being able to not only capture our life moments with the camera but enjoy them as well!
  • in-laws that come down to watch T for us 
  • visits from family
  • photo shoots :)
  • yummy dinners made by C


abstract art Accessories Adult English afghan afghan stitch AGULHAS Amigurumi amirugumi applique Art Árvore de Natal em croche baby crochet Baby Dress baby knitting Baby learn bag Bags BAKTUS Ballet Bun Cover balloons BARRADOS basic shapes Bead Beads Bear Ear Hat BEBÊS beehive quilling belts Berry Birds blanket BLUSAS BOINA BOLEROS BOLSAS books BORBOLETAS bows boxes bracelet Butterfly CACHECOL CACHECOLAR cake candles candy Candy Cane card Cards cartoon carving carving fruit carving fruits CASACO INFANTI CASACOS CASAQUINHO EM CROCHE CASAQUINHO EM TRICO CASAQUINHO PARA BEBÊ CHAPEU Christmas quilling clay COLAR COLAR DE FLORES COLETE coloring CORDÃO CORUJUINHAS crafts CROCHE COM SAQUINHOS PLASTICOS CROCHE IRLANDES crochet Crochet Geek crochet pattern cross stitch Curtain cutting paper DECORAÇAO Dicionário de Trico - Inglês/Portugues Doily Doll Dolls - Búp bê drawing Drawing - Vẽ dress earring Easter ECHARPE edging Embroidery Embroidery - Thêu ENXOVAL PARA BEBÉ ESTOLAS fabric FAIXA PARA CABELOS fashion Felt Floral arrangements - Cắm và bó hoa FLORES Flower flower arrangement flower frame flowers crochet Flowers crochet - Móc hoa Folding boxes - Gấp hộp Folding paper FOLHAS food food decor FREE FORM frustration Funny Galaxy Stitch Gang tay - Tất garden gel grips Giầy - Dép gift Gifts glass Gói quà - gấp nơ GOLINHAS Google+ GORRO Gối cho bé GRÁFICOS Granny Square Graphic Quilling hair clip hats Hats - Mũ Heart Hexagon holiday craft holiday crafts home and garden Home decor - Trang trí nhà Hook Insect Itunes Jesus Jesus Christ jewelery jewelry kirigami Knit knitting knitting pattern knot Knot - Tết dây Làm đẹp làm đồ chơi từ gỗ landscape LEAVES Log Cabin Square LUMINÁRIAS LUVAS LUVINHAS PARA BEBÊ Magazine make up making flower making flowers Making toys Manta MANTA PARA BEBÊ MANTA PARA SOFÁ MEUS MOMENTOS MEUS TRABALHOS mittens Móc đường riềm Móc khăn trải bàn motif Multi-strip Multiples Nail art Nature Scenery necklace Nghệ thuật Nghệ thuật cắt giấy Nghệ thuật vẽ trên kính Nhà đẹp Origami Pachwork painting Painting - Sơn màu PANTUFAS PAP Paper paper cut Patchwork PELERINE pictures Pillows Pillows - Gối plastic Play and learn for baby POLAINA poncho Popcorn puff stitch pumpkin cap QUADRADO Quilled animals quilled art quilled berries Quilled design quilled flowers quilled hollow egg quilled leaves Quilled petal Quilled Picture quilled portrait Quilling paper Quilt RECEITA RECEITA CULINÁRIA RECEITA DE PONTOS recycle recycling RENDA DE PELO DE CABRA repair work ribbon rings rugs SACOLAS SAIAS DE CROCHE SANDÁLIAS EM CROCHÊ SAPATINHOS SAPATINHOS PARA BEBÊ Scarf scarves Scarves - Khăn sewing sewing detail shawls shoes and sandals silhouette Singing skirt snood Snowflake soap socks SQUARE Strawberry SUÉTER sweater Swiffer Sweeper Cover TABELAS DE MEDIDAS DE TRICO E CROCHE tablecloths TAPETES. RECEITA TENIS PARA BEBÊ Thank you tip tips TOALHAS TOUCAS TOUCAS PARA BEBÊ TRICO TÚNICA tunisian Tutorial Tutorial video typography underwear Valentine's day Valentines Day vector art Video VÍDEO video tutorial weaving wedding wood XALE YouTube